دانلود سریال Dhevaprom: Poncheewan 2024
دواپرام چیوان و پونچیوا دو تا دخترعمو هستن که رابطهی خیلی نزدیکی با هم دارن و تمام کارهاشون رو با هم انجام میدن.قرار میشه چیوان نقش کوپیدو رو بازی کنه و کاری کنه پونچیوا و سوراج عاشق همدیگه بشن اما خودش شیفتهی سوراج میشه.و شبکهای از حسادت و دروغ شکل میگیره…
The bright and beautiful cousins of Dhevaprom—Cheewan and Poncheewa—are close like sisters and do everything together, including studying in Switzerland. Meanwhile, M.L. Saruj Juthathep, son of M.R. Pavornruj and Princess Wanrasa, is the First Secretary of the Thai Embassy in Bern, whose job is to support Thai students. This is a perfect setting for romance, but not a love triangle. Things get complicated when Cheewan falls for Saruj while she is supposed to play Cupid for her Poncheewa and Saruj. They become entangled in a web of lies and jealousy that threatens to tear apart the cousins’ once unbreakable bond. Will Cheewan follow her heart and be one with Saruj, or will she remain loyal to Poncheewa? For whom does Saruj harbour true feelings?The bright and beautiful cousins of Dhevaprom—Cheewan and Poncheewa—are close like sisters and do everything together, including studying in Switzerland. Meanwhile, M.L. Saruj Juthathep, son of M.R. Pavornruj and Princess Wanrasa, is the First Secretary of the Thai Embassy in Bern, whose job is to support Thai students. This is a perfect setting for romance, but not a love triangle. Things get complicated when Cheewan falls for Saruj while she is supposed to play Cupid for her Poncheewa and Saruj. They become entangled in a web of lies and jealousy that threatens to tear apart the cousins’ once unbreakable bond. Will Cheewan follow her heart and be one with Saruj, or will she remain loyal to Poncheewa? For whom does Saruj harbour true feelings?
دانلود سریال تایلندی Dhevaprom: Poncheewan 2024
سریال تایلندی دواپرام: پونچیوان
**** هاردساب فارسی قسمت 5 اضافه شد ****
**** ترجمه اختصاصی دراما دی ال ****
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