دانلود برنامه GBRB Spinoff: Cafeteria Operation 2025
برنامه ای با حضور کوانگ سو و کیونگ سو که در آن در حال مدیریت یک رستوران داخلی به مدت سه روز هستند.
Kwang Soo and Kyung Soo are managing an in-house restaurant for three days.Kwang Soo and Kyung Soo are managing an in-house restaurant for three days.Kwang Soo and Kyung Soo are managing an in-house restaurant for three days.Kwang Soo and Kyung Soo are managing an in-house restaurant for three days.Kwang Soo and Kyung Soo are managing an in-house restaurant for three days.Kwang Soo and Kyung Soo are managing an in-house restaurant for three days.Kwang Soo and Kyung Soo are managing an in-house restaurant for three days.Kwang Soos.Kwang Soo and Kyung Soo are managing an in-house restaurant for three days.Kwang Soo and Kyung Soo are managing an in-house restaurant for three days.Kwang Soo and Kyung Soo are managing an in-house restaurant for three days.Kwang Soo and Kyung Soo are managing an in-house restaurant for three days.Kwang Soo and Kyung Soo are managing an in-house restaurant for three days.Kwang Soo and Kyung Soo are managing an in-house restaurant for three days.Kwang Soo and Kyung Soo are managing an in-house restaurant for three days.Kwang Soo and Kyung Soo are managing an in-house restaurant for three days.Kwang Soo and Kyung Soo are managing an in-house restaurant for three days.Kwang Soo and Kyung Soo are managing an in-house restaurant for three days.Kwang Soo and Kyung Soo are managing an in-house restaurant for three days.Kwang Soo and Kyung Soo are managing an in-house restaurant for three days.
دانلود برنامه کره ای GBRB Spinoff: Cafeteria Operation 2025
برنامه کره ای عملیات کافهتریا
**** هاردساب فارسی قسمت 2 اضافه شد ****
خیلی برنامه های کره ای باحالی در حال پخشه به نظرم بجای سریال ژاپنی اونا رو بزارین لطفا
چر ا انقدر دیر زیرنویسش میاد
درود چرا برنامه های چینی اصلا توی سایت نیستن؟ مثلا برنامه سلام شنبه
ما مجبوریم باز از یه سایت دیگه اشتراک بگیریم. لطفا دراما دی ال هم بذاره.
هنوز تصمیمی برای قرار دادن این برنامه نداریم. بیشتر برنامه های کره ای ترجمه میشوند . برنامه های چینی زیرنویس ندارند به همین دلیل قرار داده نمیشود.
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