دانلود برنامه Are You Sure 2024
در تابستان 2023 دو عضو گروه بی تی اس یعنی جیمین و جونگ کوک قبل از اعزام به خدمت سربازی، به یک سفر فراموش نشدنی می روند…
The eight-part series, which was filmed in 2023 before the duo enlisted in the South Korean military, follows Jimin and Jung Kook as they travel to three iconic global destinations: New York state, USA; Jeju Island, South Korea; and Sapporo, Japan. It will give a deeper look into Jimin and Jung Kook’s undeniable chemistry and endearing friendship as they bond over a variety of unforgettable moments throughout the trip, immersing in different cultures, exploring various action-packed activities, and trying out local cuisines.The eight-part series, which was filmed in 2023 before the duo enlisted in the South Korean military, follows Jimin and Jung Kook as they travel to three iconic global destinations: New York state, USA; Jeju Island, South Korea; and Sapporo, Japan. It will give a deeper look into Jimin and Jung Kook’s undeniable chemistry and endearing friendship as they bond over a variety of unforgettable moments throughout the trip, immersing in different cultures, exploring various action-packed activities, and trying out local cuisines.The eight-part series, which was filmed in 2023 before the duo enlisted in the South Korean military, follows Jimin and Jung Kook as they travel to three iconic global destinations: New York state, USA; Jeju Island, South Korea; and Sapporo, Japan. It will give a deeper look into Jimin and Jung Kook’s undeniable chemistry and endearing friendship as they bond over a variety of unforgettable moments throughout the trip, immersing in different cultures, exploring various action-packed activities, and trying out local cuisines.
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