دانلود سریال The Judge from Hell 2024
شیطانی از جهنم که در بدن کانگ بیت نا زندگی می کند، قاضی زیبایی که در یک تصادف جان خود را از دست داد. ماموریت او این است که کسانی را که باعث مرگ دیگران شده اند به جهنم بفرستد، اما با کارآگاه هان دی…
Kang Bit Na is an elite judge with a beautiful appearance, but she is a demon. Her mission as a demon is to kill evil people who lead other people to their deaths and don’t reflect on their actions. She sends these people to Hell afterwards. One day, Kang Bit Na meets Han Da On. He has a friendly and gentle personality. As a detective, his mind is sharp and he has a keen sense of observation. But he carries pain inside that nobody knows about. After Kang Bit Na and Han Da On met with each other, their lives changed greatly. Kang Bit Na is an elite judge with a beautiful appearance, but she is a demon. Her mission as a demon is to kill evil people who lead other people to their deaths and don’t reflect on their actions. She sends these people to Hell afterwards. One day, Kang Bit Na meets Han Da On. He has a friendly and gentle personality. As a detective, his mind is sharp and he has a keen sense of observation. But he carries pain inside that nobody knows about. After Kang Bit Na and Han Da On met with each other, their lives changed greatly. Kang Bit Na is an elite judge with a beautiful appearance, but she is a demon. Her mission as a demon is to kill evil people who lead other people to their deaths and don’t reflect on their actions. She sends these people to Hell afterwards. One day, Kang Bit Na meets Han Da On. He has a friendly and gentle personality. As a detective, his mind is sharp and he has a keen sense of observation. But he carries pain inside that nobody knows about. After Kang Bit Na and Han Da On met with each other, their lives changed greatly.
دانلود سریال کره ای The Judge from Hell 2024
سریال کره ای قاضی جهنمی
**** زیرنویس قسمت 8 اضافه شد ****
**** هاردساب فارسی قسمت 8 اضافه شد ****
قسمت 2 کیفیت 480 بدون زیر نویس خطای 404 میده
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ممنونم الان هم این سریال و هم سریال
عاشق دی ان ای قسمت ۱۵ را گرفتم
با گوشی دانلود کردم
عالی بود
سلام قست ششم هارد ساب وصل نمیشود اکانت و اینترنت هم دارم
لطفا کمکم کنید با تشکر
بررسی شد. لینک دانلود قسمت 6 بدون مشکل میباشد.
سلام زیرنویس قسمت ششم رو میذارین لطفا
قسمت ۵ هیچکدوم از کیفیت ها دانلود نمیشه متاسفانه
در حال بررسی میباشیم. بزودی مشکل برطرف خواهد شد
سلام قسمت دانلود نمیشه
در حال بررسی میباشیم. بزودی مشکل برطرف خواهد شد
قسمت ۵ دانلود نمیشه ۳ کیفیت اول
در حال بررسی میباشیم. بزودی مشکل برطرف خواهد شد
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مشکل برطرف شد
این دو قسمتش که خوب بوده امیدوارم تا آخرش خوب باشه
سلام قسمت دوم انلاینش پخش نمیشه
مشکل برطرف شد
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